Saturday 17 December 2011

Glitter, British Music Scene and other things this week

So this week has definitely been a slow one.  Nothing too exiting happening.  Just trying to finish up college and start the holidays.

Onto things that I’ve been loving this week:

I'm actually having to think quite hard about this…

Got one!
My fur coat - Fake fur that is.  I don’t believe in real fur but that’s a whole other post.  Me and my friends have collectively come up with the name Phantom for it.  It keeps my very warm I can literally wear a T-shirt and shorts under it and I will be fine.

Glitter - I'm certainly feeling festive so anything glitter is just orgasm worthy for me at the moment.  Shoes, bags, nails are just a few examples.  I have been sporting bedazzled nails for the last two weeks.

My shorter hair – I have but off about 8 inches of my hair in the last few months and I do miss the long hair but I feel like the shorter hair looks a bit more grown up and just less typical really. 

Dark lips – I have been obsessed with the Rimmel Lipstick in the ‘Kate Collection’ that is a dark purple.  I havent purchased it but I have found a lip liner that’s similar just a little more on the red side.  Its from L.A. colours and its super creamy so I can wear it as a lipstick.  I am wearing it it in the video.

Favorite song – Professor Green ‘Into the Ground’.  Not everyones cup if tea but I just find this song funny and it can really lift my mood.  If you havent realised yet I am obsessed with Professor Green.  UK artists have been doing amaizing in the last few years. One more song I need to mention is Example ‘Microphone’.  Love it!

Stuff that irritated me this week:

The fact that I am broke as hell until next Thursday!

People that make me feel so uncomfortable I could be physically sick around them…

That’s about it.  So not so bad this week ehh? HAHAHA

Follow me on Twitter @ruta_yt

Have you put up your Christmas lights yet? Because I haven't.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Tips on Getting Over Break-ups

So when ou break up usually seems like the worst thing in the world. You don't want to wake up in the morning and just wish you could stop existing, so you don't have to think about what you may have lost. Every time you see that person you get a sting and wish you could go up to them and have them kiss and hold you. You don't think this feeling will ever go away because every time you speak to them all those wishes come back to you. Well surprise surprise I promise that it all gets better.

Those feelings eventually go away. The time it takes for them depends on how you are wish the person after the break up. The best tip is to try and cut contact with them. I realise that's very hard and not possible in every situation I.e. school but it's the best way. The less you see of them or speak to them the less you are reminded of why you liked them in the first place.

If you cannot do that then I suggest being very 'cool' in a sense that you just keep your relationship to a basic friendship. You say hi and bye and have conversation when you are at a table together but avoid texting them or flirting in any way possible.

The issue of wanting them back is hard to tackle. If you broke up with them because of your wants then you have to remind yourself of why it happened. If they broke up with you because they 'didint feel the same' or if you broke up with them because you knew this then just remember that they are not worth your company. You are not their convenience that they can request to use whenever it suits them.

Remember loving your own company is probably the best thing you can do for yourself in life. You are the I ly person that you will have by your side every second of everyday of the duration of your life. There is no running away from you. So if you are happy with your own company then you don't have to feel inclined to have another person to make you happy.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Travelling, Tea and Annoying People

Last week I failed to update since I was travelling.  So here's an update for the last two weeks really.

I was away for five days to visit my grandma in Lithuania.  It was her birthday which meant that I was eating birthday cake for three days straight.  That also means I'm back on my diet.  

Here are some pictures I took at my grandmothers house:

 yes its a boombox. i know epic!
the christmas tree at our city

I forgot how much I love that house.

Things I loved this week (two really):

The fact that Christmas is coming, I have been feeling very festive lately and probably going to put up some decorations today.

I have been drinking lots of tea.  Whilst I was away that seemed to be the drink of choice.  I usually like fruit and herbal teas but I was being very English and having black tea and milk at my grandmas.  The Twinning’s Camomile, Vanilla and Honey is amazing.  No sugar needed.  But enough about tea (I’m clearly obsessed over here)

The quality of video when filming with the iPhone 4.  I got this phone a week ago and filmed a few videos already and I can truly say I am not going back to my little camera.  Here’s a tutorial if you want to check out the quality (click here.)

I once again have to say my friends.  The more times goes on the more I appreciate the real ones in my life.  I also wrote a post on this issue (click here.)

Song of the week is definitely ‘Let Me Show You’ by Maverick Sabre. Amazing all I need to say.  I can listen to this whatever mood I might be in.

Things I didn’t like so much this week:

People that are not aware of what a queue is at the airport whilst waiting to board.  Not cool.

People that have mood swings at me.  Just f**k out. (pardon my language is just this REALLY irritates me)

The fact that my bestie is ill and has been for days now. Get better babe.

Question for the week:

What do you do to get better when your ill?

Follow me on Twitter @ruta_yt

Tuesday 6 December 2011

True friends, Forgiveness and Letting Go

Only those who you truly care for can hurt you. The difference between a true friend: one that will be there for you no matter what happens or how you are and someone who is just there for a short period of time is in how they treat you. Only a true and real friend can accept your apology and never hurt you back in return. Someone who is only there temporarily won't understand how you feel or value your 'sorry'. They will make you feel awful about it and not be able let it go. A real friend will look past the mistake you may have made and  forgive you because they know your heart. The ones that you can forgive and forgive you are the ones that are going to be sticking around. Whether its the fact that there is a connection between you two or the fact that they know your heart to it's deepest; please don't spend our time on ones who can't let go.

Monday 5 December 2011

Can Love be Defined?

Is love over-rated? What is love? I think we have all asked that question before. Love in my opinion doesn't come in a standard form. Everyone feels it different. That's why if I asked you to define love I'm sure you would have to think about it long and hard. I saw a diagram of three triangles 'friendship, love and sex'. 

I have always been a believer that sexual attraction is needed when dating someone otherwise it's like your going out with your sibling. That's never fun. Back to defining love. I think a basic thing is that you would rather be with that person then anywhere else at any time given. I also think if it's love you will make it work. You shouldn't be able to 'get over' someone you are in love with. They should be a part of you and taking that away is impossible. I am not one for cheesy boys but he should be able to make your heart melt with a few words or even a touch. They should of course know your coffee order. Finally the prospect of waking up every morning  to his/her face should make you look forward to the rest of your life. 

Monday 28 November 2011

Friends, Life, Love and Evolution

I’m am so very sorry that I fell of the band wagon this week and missed my weekly Saturday post! I was busy with life i.e. shopping and dining and completely forgot to write up my post.  Nevertheless I’m going to try to make it up to you now.

So things I have loved this week:

My skin – I have been using retin-a for 2 weeks now and my skin is finally getting better.  My first week update video is here is you want to see it.

My friends – There are some people I heavily rely upon in my life i.e. my best friends.  Whether it’s a coffee I may need or a chance to rant I can always rely on my small group of besties to be there for me.

Me and one of my closest friends Ani, I cant live without her. Taken at our ‘secret’ spot in London.

Coconut oil – I am a coconut oil fanatic I have been using the stuff on my hair forever now.  But recently I have started to use it on my lashes and I have been getting a lot of compliments.  My video on coconut oil is right here.

My favourite beverage - had to be the ‘Soy Frosted Mint Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream’ from Costa. Naturally.  I am not a hot chocolate fan but this is like ‘After Eights’ in a cup. I LOVE IT.

For music - this week I haven’t got anything specific.  Although I am enjoying Rihanna’s new album ‘Talk that Talk’.  I especially like the song ‘Drunk on Love’.

I read a book yesterday called ‘The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions’. Brilliant that’s all that I can say.

Things that I didn’t like so much this week:

Thinking that someone cares about you when they obviously don’t.
The weather – its been getting cold, windy and rainy
The idea that exams are coming up soon.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @ruta_yt

Kisses and Hugs to you all.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

When you Loose someone in your Life...

Its weird when your relationship with someone who you were close to changes.  It feels like you have lost a part of yourself as they have left.  It makes you wonder if you were really that close and valuable to each other or just a part of the daily routine.  It happened to me before when I have drifted apart from my best friend and that broke my heart but this is different.  Even though I thought me and her would never make it up, somewhere deep down in me I knew that if I needed her no matter where we stood,  I could phone her up and pour out my heart.

I don’t feel like that about this.  I feel lost.  Its been five days since we last texted each other but it seems like its been months.  How is it that people that you may not even consider your close friends are the ones that affect you the most when they are taken out of the equation.  I don’t speak to some of my best friends for weeks on end but you, couple of days and that’s it.  Maybe it’s the fact that texting you has become a habit.  Something I do.  Just a part of my routine.

Is it that I only want to be friends with you?  Is that not good enough?  Am I all of a sudden un-interesting to you?  Well I cant really blame you; since I predicted myself that we will just probably stop talking on the side.  I still see you nearly everyday in college but that’s that.  How much better would it have been if we never went down that road?  Just stayed friends and that’s it.  But then in some ways I think it was inevitable.  Even if we were just friends at some point I would have started to like you. 

I guess I just have to get used to not talking to you.  That will be my routine then.  I mean I was fine and good at the beginning.  Then you go and start talking to me again.  I cant decide whether its easier not to have you in my life all together or be close friends with you?  As Professor Green says ‘being just friends is never going to be good enough’.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Photo Shoot, Boys and the Ghetto.

Saturday morning sitting in bed writing for my blog with a cup of coffee next to me.  I have come to a lot of conclusions this week.  Thanks to a few videos on YouTube.  If you don’t respect yourself and go against your morals/beliefs for someone then how can you live with yourself and be happy alone?

Things I loved this week:

Makeup – nothing since I have not worn makeup for the whole of the week.

Skincare – I am currently on my 5th day of Retin-A treatment so sunscreen is my best friend.  You can read about my favorite sunscreens here.

I was on a photo shoot earlier this week and am absolutely amazed/dazed by the end pictures. Here's some of my favourites.

Music – ‘Take Care’ by Drake.  I know I *shake my head* at myself.  Some of my favourites are ‘Doing it wrong’ , ‘Underground Kings’ , ‘Cameras’.  I am usually not one to listen to Drake ect. But his music has been very reflective of my mood lately.  I also enjoy his voice. What can I say.  The ghetto got to me.

I’ve also been obsessed with anything technology related especially mobile phones.  My upgrade is coming in a month and I am planning to get the HTC Sensation XE. I’m so exited by the way.

Things I didn’t like so much this week:

Boys, the fact that I need to start revising for exams and that red mark the wont leave my chin and disappear.

What music have you grown to love?

Saturday 12 November 2011

Afro's, Hair Science and The Struggles of a Vegetarian!

Another week has passed…WOW! An overall peaceful week but I definitely have some new obsessions to talk about.

Things I loved this week:  I have really been into big, curly, voluminous, afro type hair.  I am currently experimenting with setting methods as the curls always fall…

Tinted Moisturiser, I have been using the ‘Nivea Visage Tinted Moisturising Day Cream Natural’ what a mouthful! Retails at around £3.99.  This gives just a little tint to my skin so I look a bit healthier as I can get very pale and dead looking in the winter.  Just enough moisture for my oily days, not too emollient so blend quickly.

Apart from that I have not been wearing that much makeup. Tinted moisturiser, Blush, Mascara. That’s it. 

I have discovered a blog ‘Point of Interest’  Its basically a scientific take on cosmetics.  It explains ingredients and how they work down to the smallest of details.  I am particularly interested in the hair care.  You need some basic chemistry knowledge but I find it fascinating as I do A2 chemistry and I’m just a nerd like that.

Favourite drink of the week has to be Starbucks ‘Egg Nogg Latte’ or ‘Soya Praline Mocha’.  I’m not a fan of Starbucks any other time of year (I personally prefer Costa or Café Nero) but their Christmas flavours are too good to resist.

Since I am vegetarian the winter has hit me in the face like a brick.  I have been a little sniffley ect.  I’m pinning the blame on my lack of protein.  So lately I have been obsessed with anything protein rich. 

A Stew with Soya Chunks, Country Style Soup Mix, Butternut Squash, Parsnips ect. YUMMY!

Favourite Track of the week is ‘I Need’ by Maverick Sabre.  His voice is absolute amazing I seriously suggest listening to this song!

Catch me on Twitter @ruta_yt

What’s one makeup product you cannot live without?

Saturday 5 November 2011

No-Makeup Challenge, UCAS ect.

This week has been a slow one.  I have finally sent of my UCAS application (how you apply for university in the UK).  After my tutor taking the piss for 3 weeks.  Now I have to hope he does his tutor statement and then the waiting begins. 

Today I woke up with a need to organise so I decided to change up how I store my makeup.  This is my new set up. Im very exited!

 I have been scripting a few videos including my weight loss video.  I don’t want to film it until I reach my goal weight but that may take a little too long.  I don’t know yet but I may just crack and film it because I want to get it out there. If I can help out then I would love to get the video out as soon as I can.

I went on the no-makeup challenge for a week.  Everyone was super sweet and I think Im going to actually continue.  It saves so much time in the morning and I really don’t see why I have to doll up for college.  Makes me look more serious if you know what I mean. 

So that’s my weeks update. What have you been up to ?


Saturday 29 October 2011

Professor Green, Ramble and Other things this week

Its been another week. I promised I will do this weekly so here’s your update.  Been on half term so naturally means a lazy week.  Doing a little too much shopping…listening to endless amount of music and just procrastinating about my life and whats going on.  Lately been filming a lot of videos and just deleting them once im done nothing seems to be good enough for my own taste to put on the channel. 

Just downloaded ‘At your Inconveniece’ this morning (new Professor Green) album. So far I love it. I was worried that its gna be too ‘dance’ inspired but its good old moody pro green.  LOVE!

My taste in makeup is forever changing. I never thought about it before but its true, I mean I guess it’s a good thing as I am always finding new things to obsess over and love but can be a bit excessive. 

Im meeting with the girls today hopefully if no more people cancel! Might do a little light vlogging but probably just going to forget and go out anyway. 

Do you ever feel like there is just never a right time?

Monday 24 October 2011

Friends with Benefits, Videos, Twitter ect

Hey guys, been having a rather entertaining week actually.  Hot topic between me and friends has been ‘friends with benefits’.  What do u think?  Too risky, chance of attachment and heartbreak or just a good bit of fun?  My personal opinion keeps swaying as I get the opinions from more people but I think that it can definitely work in some situations. 
I’ve been getting obsessed with everything to do with social media outlets.  YouTube, Twitter, Face book, Blogger all have been receiving extra love from me as its half term and I have nothing better to do. 

Follow me on Twitter @ruta_yt

YouTube has been up to date with videos every 2-3 days depending on when  have time to upload.  Really proud of myself, I was on a serious ‘YouTube block’ hahaha.

From now on I will be doing weekly updates on blogger to keep a look out for those...

I am also in search of a new camera as I think it is finally time.  Mine has been playing up lately and its time to step it up.

How has your week been?

Saturday 8 October 2011

My Perfect Autumn Day

What can I say. It has been a rather lazy and uneventful day for me yet I couldnt have asked for a better one.  London's temperatures are finally hitting the chilly autumn side which I have been waiting for.  Sitting in my room with a few lit candles in my full tracks trying to keep warm whilst devouring a book with a cup of herbal tea is definatly what I call relaxation.  I'm currently trying to finish 'The Girl Who Kicked Hornets' Nest' the third and final installment to 'The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo' series.

I recall a day like this last autumn/winter which I spent blogging in the chill.  My reading obsessions have grown to a point where no time is to be wasted on watching TV and instead all my spare time is dedicated to reading.  Last saturday, in one sitting, I managed to read 'The Alchemist'.  Weird little book I have to say.  For me someone who is not so sure about the whole God thing its a little akward to read.  However I did enjoy the things about the universe and the general idea of persuing your dreams no matter how hard the journey has been or how much you may want to give up.  My now exessive reading is also making my passion for writing grow and the need for my opinion and voice to be heard more prominent in my own mind.  Well thats one thing that issint a lie on my personal statement. 

Another little perk in life that I cannot survive with and that I consider most people to take for granted is music.  No matter what you might be going through there will be a song that will : 1. remind you of good times 2. be in parrallel to what you are expieriancing or 3. just remind you that it will get better.  The artist that I am currently listening to non-stop is Ed Sheeran. Suprise, surprise.  His album '+' makes me feel like I on a whole other world when I listen to it.  I highly recommend it.  This post is completely rambly so I think I'm going to stop there.

Tell me what is your favorite thing to do on a autumn day is?

Saturday 23 April 2011


I really do not think theres another choice but to wear sunscreen/sunblock! If you know me then you will know I am sunblock mad and every spring my search for the worlds best sunblocks comences once again!

EVERYONE should wear sunblock...even if you're black your natural skin SPF is only about 8-9 so you really need to protect yourself against the sun damage you can get!

Exposure to UV causes your skin to damage leading to premature wrinkles, sun spots, for some even skin cancer! I have and know four people with skin cancer and two of them had died already all at around 30!

Trust me not getting a tan in one day is worth it ... because sunblock doesent prevent you from having a tan it only slows down the process of getting one!

I still come back brown as a chocolate biscuit when I have been away but never do I get sunburnt!

My favorite sunblock of all time is the.....(drumroll please)

California Tan SPF 30 - around £15

If you're in the UK you can order this from

I use this for my face and body and I am acne prone and oily and this does not give me any problems of breaking out or making me oily!
It contains no mineral oil, its non-clogging

I love this stuff, I use it daily
It makes my skin look absolutely amazing. By that i mean it looks youthfull, smooth, glowing and even.
One Last Thing

SPF30 is more then enough as it provides 95% protection whilst SPF50 give 97% so whats the 2% in practical terms really? Also SPF30 lotions tend to be much less sticky and thick so their nicer to use, because if you dont like your face products then you wont use them.


Monday 11 April 2011

A wee bit of inspiration

Most of my life I have blindly spend dreaming.  Its only when you start thinkin about your dreams you realise how unrealistic you are… one of my faviroute quotes states ‘ its only intangable ideas, conceps and beliefs that last’ and I don’t think this could be any more true …it goes on to say ‘stone crumbles, wood rots …people,well,they die’. The only things that are untouchable by facts,science, studies, opinions ;are our own dreams! Who can say to me that I wont be succesful…who can say to me that I wont fuffil my dreams...NO ONE.  Because the only thing that matters is what is in your heart.  People may hate - call me cocky,stupid, a bitch but that only makes me want to succeed more.  Show what I have to offer more.  Love to my fullest more.  They are the ones who are going to be popping prozac when life hits them in the face, not me.  All the critism I get doesent ‘go in one ear and leave the other’ it stays locked in my brain so that one day I can turn around and say “come visit me in L.A. theres more then enough room for you all” and you know what one day I will be able to say that. I don’t quite know how I am going to get there as life changes and you cannot stop the events that unroll in front of you, you can only embrace them and take them for what they are…life.  And for the ones that strive to succeed good luck to you I hope I see you at the top.  Success cannot be measured by money or fame it’s the goals and morals that you have within that need to be fuffiled. Most people my age don’t quite yet know what they want from life;even if they think they do.  For some having a family is what is most important, for someone else it might be saving a life and for all it is money but remember money is paper, you can set it alight and it will all be gone ‘but things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on…’