Monday 28 November 2011

Friends, Life, Love and Evolution

I’m am so very sorry that I fell of the band wagon this week and missed my weekly Saturday post! I was busy with life i.e. shopping and dining and completely forgot to write up my post.  Nevertheless I’m going to try to make it up to you now.

So things I have loved this week:

My skin – I have been using retin-a for 2 weeks now and my skin is finally getting better.  My first week update video is here is you want to see it.

My friends – There are some people I heavily rely upon in my life i.e. my best friends.  Whether it’s a coffee I may need or a chance to rant I can always rely on my small group of besties to be there for me.

Me and one of my closest friends Ani, I cant live without her. Taken at our ‘secret’ spot in London.

Coconut oil – I am a coconut oil fanatic I have been using the stuff on my hair forever now.  But recently I have started to use it on my lashes and I have been getting a lot of compliments.  My video on coconut oil is right here.

My favourite beverage - had to be the ‘Soy Frosted Mint Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream’ from Costa. Naturally.  I am not a hot chocolate fan but this is like ‘After Eights’ in a cup. I LOVE IT.

For music - this week I haven’t got anything specific.  Although I am enjoying Rihanna’s new album ‘Talk that Talk’.  I especially like the song ‘Drunk on Love’.

I read a book yesterday called ‘The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions’. Brilliant that’s all that I can say.

Things that I didn’t like so much this week:

Thinking that someone cares about you when they obviously don’t.
The weather – its been getting cold, windy and rainy
The idea that exams are coming up soon.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @ruta_yt

Kisses and Hugs to you all.

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