Monday 11 April 2011

A wee bit of inspiration

Most of my life I have blindly spend dreaming.  Its only when you start thinkin about your dreams you realise how unrealistic you are… one of my faviroute quotes states ‘ its only intangable ideas, conceps and beliefs that last’ and I don’t think this could be any more true …it goes on to say ‘stone crumbles, wood rots …people,well,they die’. The only things that are untouchable by facts,science, studies, opinions ;are our own dreams! Who can say to me that I wont be succesful…who can say to me that I wont fuffil my dreams...NO ONE.  Because the only thing that matters is what is in your heart.  People may hate - call me cocky,stupid, a bitch but that only makes me want to succeed more.  Show what I have to offer more.  Love to my fullest more.  They are the ones who are going to be popping prozac when life hits them in the face, not me.  All the critism I get doesent ‘go in one ear and leave the other’ it stays locked in my brain so that one day I can turn around and say “come visit me in L.A. theres more then enough room for you all” and you know what one day I will be able to say that. I don’t quite know how I am going to get there as life changes and you cannot stop the events that unroll in front of you, you can only embrace them and take them for what they are…life.  And for the ones that strive to succeed good luck to you I hope I see you at the top.  Success cannot be measured by money or fame it’s the goals and morals that you have within that need to be fuffiled. Most people my age don’t quite yet know what they want from life;even if they think they do.  For some having a family is what is most important, for someone else it might be saving a life and for all it is money but remember money is paper, you can set it alight and it will all be gone ‘but things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on…’

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