Monday 24 October 2011

Friends with Benefits, Videos, Twitter ect

Hey guys, been having a rather entertaining week actually.  Hot topic between me and friends has been ‘friends with benefits’.  What do u think?  Too risky, chance of attachment and heartbreak or just a good bit of fun?  My personal opinion keeps swaying as I get the opinions from more people but I think that it can definitely work in some situations. 
I’ve been getting obsessed with everything to do with social media outlets.  YouTube, Twitter, Face book, Blogger all have been receiving extra love from me as its half term and I have nothing better to do. 

Follow me on Twitter @ruta_yt

YouTube has been up to date with videos every 2-3 days depending on when  have time to upload.  Really proud of myself, I was on a serious ‘YouTube block’ hahaha.

From now on I will be doing weekly updates on blogger to keep a look out for those...

I am also in search of a new camera as I think it is finally time.  Mine has been playing up lately and its time to step it up.

How has your week been?

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