Saturday 8 October 2011

My Perfect Autumn Day

What can I say. It has been a rather lazy and uneventful day for me yet I couldnt have asked for a better one.  London's temperatures are finally hitting the chilly autumn side which I have been waiting for.  Sitting in my room with a few lit candles in my full tracks trying to keep warm whilst devouring a book with a cup of herbal tea is definatly what I call relaxation.  I'm currently trying to finish 'The Girl Who Kicked Hornets' Nest' the third and final installment to 'The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo' series.

I recall a day like this last autumn/winter which I spent blogging in the chill.  My reading obsessions have grown to a point where no time is to be wasted on watching TV and instead all my spare time is dedicated to reading.  Last saturday, in one sitting, I managed to read 'The Alchemist'.  Weird little book I have to say.  For me someone who is not so sure about the whole God thing its a little akward to read.  However I did enjoy the things about the universe and the general idea of persuing your dreams no matter how hard the journey has been or how much you may want to give up.  My now exessive reading is also making my passion for writing grow and the need for my opinion and voice to be heard more prominent in my own mind.  Well thats one thing that issint a lie on my personal statement. 

Another little perk in life that I cannot survive with and that I consider most people to take for granted is music.  No matter what you might be going through there will be a song that will : 1. remind you of good times 2. be in parrallel to what you are expieriancing or 3. just remind you that it will get better.  The artist that I am currently listening to non-stop is Ed Sheeran. Suprise, surprise.  His album '+' makes me feel like I on a whole other world when I listen to it.  I highly recommend it.  This post is completely rambly so I think I'm going to stop there.

Tell me what is your favorite thing to do on a autumn day is?

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