Tuesday 13 December 2011

Tips on Getting Over Break-ups

So when ou break up usually seems like the worst thing in the world. You don't want to wake up in the morning and just wish you could stop existing, so you don't have to think about what you may have lost. Every time you see that person you get a sting and wish you could go up to them and have them kiss and hold you. You don't think this feeling will ever go away because every time you speak to them all those wishes come back to you. Well surprise surprise I promise that it all gets better.

Those feelings eventually go away. The time it takes for them depends on how you are wish the person after the break up. The best tip is to try and cut contact with them. I realise that's very hard and not possible in every situation I.e. school but it's the best way. The less you see of them or speak to them the less you are reminded of why you liked them in the first place.

If you cannot do that then I suggest being very 'cool' in a sense that you just keep your relationship to a basic friendship. You say hi and bye and have conversation when you are at a table together but avoid texting them or flirting in any way possible.

The issue of wanting them back is hard to tackle. If you broke up with them because of your wants then you have to remind yourself of why it happened. If they broke up with you because they 'didint feel the same' or if you broke up with them because you knew this then just remember that they are not worth your company. You are not their convenience that they can request to use whenever it suits them.

Remember loving your own company is probably the best thing you can do for yourself in life. You are the I ly person that you will have by your side every second of everyday of the duration of your life. There is no running away from you. So if you are happy with your own company then you don't have to feel inclined to have another person to make you happy.

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