Tuesday 6 December 2011

True friends, Forgiveness and Letting Go

Only those who you truly care for can hurt you. The difference between a true friend: one that will be there for you no matter what happens or how you are and someone who is just there for a short period of time is in how they treat you. Only a true and real friend can accept your apology and never hurt you back in return. Someone who is only there temporarily won't understand how you feel or value your 'sorry'. They will make you feel awful about it and not be able let it go. A real friend will look past the mistake you may have made and  forgive you because they know your heart. The ones that you can forgive and forgive you are the ones that are going to be sticking around. Whether its the fact that there is a connection between you two or the fact that they know your heart to it's deepest; please don't spend our time on ones who can't let go.

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