Monday 5 December 2011

Can Love be Defined?

Is love over-rated? What is love? I think we have all asked that question before. Love in my opinion doesn't come in a standard form. Everyone feels it different. That's why if I asked you to define love I'm sure you would have to think about it long and hard. I saw a diagram of three triangles 'friendship, love and sex'. 

I have always been a believer that sexual attraction is needed when dating someone otherwise it's like your going out with your sibling. That's never fun. Back to defining love. I think a basic thing is that you would rather be with that person then anywhere else at any time given. I also think if it's love you will make it work. You shouldn't be able to 'get over' someone you are in love with. They should be a part of you and taking that away is impossible. I am not one for cheesy boys but he should be able to make your heart melt with a few words or even a touch. They should of course know your coffee order. Finally the prospect of waking up every morning  to his/her face should make you look forward to the rest of your life. 

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