Thursday 5 January 2012

Time fades everything...

It's been too long my amazing bloggies (yes we're making that a word).
I'm very sorry I haven't updated in a while but it's just been the usual Christmas craziness. You know that feeling.
I hope everyone had great holidays :)
All the best for the new year and I hope your sticking I your resolutions!

I haven't been very inspired to write lately but I feel like I have something I need to get off my chest. I'm writing this at 22:41 hoping I will be able to rest after I'm done.

If you read my blog you know I get a little deep/emotional from time to time. Well get prepared there's more coming your way.

Its amazing how caught up in the moment you can get. Whether its how you feel or what you think it's all too easy to escalate that in your own mind way too far. You my think you feel something very strong when really its just that moment in time. It eventually dies down to nothing. Well not nothing but close enough. I am one to try to suppress my feelings and avoid bothering people about it just because I don't want to seem like an annoying moany girl!

But sometimes it's good to have a rant. Why I blog about my feelings too actually. So the point of this blog is to get across that it gets better. Why I've been saying from the beginning about true friends sticking around and not being able to inflict pain upon you is still true. There are so many 'negligible' people that will be in your life and at that moment in time their significance will seem much more important to you. Don't worry about them. If someone hurt you and is not caring enough to apologise then why bother. It's jut not worth it.

Saying that always give people a second chance in your life. Even if you have had the worst fight imaginable things won't seem so bad in a month, a year or ten. Don't give up on people that have not given up on wanting to mend things with you. Life isn't perfect. You will have fights with your best friends and think you will never make it up but somehow for some reason you always do. It gets better trust me...

1 comment:

  1. aww! wow!
    I find writing helps to get feelings out x
    there's so many people that I've gave up on.
