Tuesday 10 January 2012

Memories that haunt you...

A few of days ago my friend added a couple of pictures that we took on the last day of college.  That day was the beginning of a weekend I still remember.  Looking back at those photos I look genuinely happy, which does not happen often in photos.  Thinking about it now the only other photo where I look really happy is one taken with my best friend but the reasons behind my happiness still circulate around the same reason. I cant exactly remember how I felt it seems like a blur to me.

It’s a shame that those happy moments only last for such a short period of time, but the sadness that comes after can feel like it engulfs your existence.  Those happy memories can haunt you and remind you that you will never have that moment again with that person or in that situation.  Easiest thing to do is to push those thoughts away and keep yourself busy with other things right?  Well, yes it is but the thing is that when you loose someone everything seems to remind you of them.  The stupidest, smallest insignificant things can completely send you over the edge.

I don’t know where I’m going with this, clearly.  Actually what I want to get across is that sometimes its better to cling to the good things and see them as positives and try to remember how happy you were and seek for that same feeling in some other form.  You will never erase your memories but they will slowly fade and be less vivid in your mind.  You will loose lots of those little details that cause a sting every time you think about it.  You will replace those with other memories that are longer lasting because they are more mature and mean much more to you.

Something that could of seemed extremely significant two, four, six months ago or even a year ago will appear irrelevant and minuscule.  You will fall in love with new things, music, people.  You will meet amazing individuals that will surpass any ‘benchmark’ that may have been set by the ones in the past.  Life is way too short to let yourself waste time being upset and not embracing the fact that you are fortunate enough to be still alive. 

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