Friday 3 December 2010

Photoshoot, Religious war And FOTD

So I haven't blogged in far too long ...and I do appologise! I've been busy with school and its hard to sit down and write without getting distracted by other things.  I've actually not been wearing much makeup lately but I did do a photoshoot with two friends of mine for my portfolio so that was super exiting. 

This is the makeup im wearing today

And here are my two favorite pics from the photoshoot...

Apart from that I was watching the movie 'The Body' yesterday and got really worked up/insprired to share my opinion so I ended up posted this on my facebook :

 'Im not the religious one but I know that beliefs are not based on facts, they are based on what people have in their heart. So I don't care if you're Christian, Jewish or Muslim you need to stop the rediculous need to prove your religion exists and more importantly who Jeruselam really belongs too. We are all children of God and we should all respect each others beliefs! No one should be threatened to believe in their hearts!'

How is the weather where u live?

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