Friday 19 October 2012

Hello turned into a motivational talk...

Hello Hello!

I wish I had something interesting to say but I really don’t.  You’re probably thinking ‘Why am I reading this?’.  Side-note just realised I can touch type *high five*. Oh gosh this really isn't going anywhere is it?

I have recently made a few resolutions in my life:

  1. Not to let myself get down if I have a bad day – What I mean by that is if I have a bad day where things are not going right i.e. I'm eating like an unhealthy pig, it does not mean that I have to continue doing that tomorrow.

  1. Do something productive daily – This is a big one for me since I am a major lazy ass.  I hate going through the motions of the day and then realising in the evening I have done s**t all that day.  Not only is life short but it also makes you get into the habit of postponing things which is not great when you have coursework deadlines coming up.

  1. Do things that make me happy – ONLY YOU CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY. If you cant be alone and enjoy your own company how will you live with yourself? Don’t waste time with people that don’t make you happy.  You have to consciously choose to be happy and make it happen. Happiness is definitely a choice.

I think everyone needs to take time out of their lives just for a little bit, every so often and re-evaluate themselves.  Be honest and maybe even a little harsh. What’s the point lying to yourself its not like it brings you any benefit?

Having some sort of routine or schedule is also great.  Don’t wake up at 2pm and then attempt to be productive because in all honesty you have slept through most productive hours in the day.  That is of course if your not a major insomniac/night owl.

Early bird does get the worm after all…

Wednesday 7 March 2012

It's been too long...

Hey guys so it's been like forever and a year since I have posted anything on my blog :(

Currently I'm on a major YouTube block/break which ever way you would like to put it. My two year anniversary is coming up so I will definitely be uploading. The last couple of months have been amazing my subscribers have been growing like never before. Thankyou so much.

In other news I have finally started running. About time since summer is coming up and I live in short shorts. Can't be having my legs looking nothing less then great. I actually love the burn of exercise so I'm very happy.

I have been working quite a lot lately when it comes to shoots ect which exhausts me more then running a marathon.

If your from the UK and are currently in college you will be aware that it's dooms day tomorrow. A level exam results are coming out. Not looking forward to it, I have told my friends to be on suicide watch.

Mums going away end of this week so I'll get to relax atleast.

How's your week been?

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Memories that haunt you...

A few of days ago my friend added a couple of pictures that we took on the last day of college.  That day was the beginning of a weekend I still remember.  Looking back at those photos I look genuinely happy, which does not happen often in photos.  Thinking about it now the only other photo where I look really happy is one taken with my best friend but the reasons behind my happiness still circulate around the same reason. I cant exactly remember how I felt it seems like a blur to me.

It’s a shame that those happy moments only last for such a short period of time, but the sadness that comes after can feel like it engulfs your existence.  Those happy memories can haunt you and remind you that you will never have that moment again with that person or in that situation.  Easiest thing to do is to push those thoughts away and keep yourself busy with other things right?  Well, yes it is but the thing is that when you loose someone everything seems to remind you of them.  The stupidest, smallest insignificant things can completely send you over the edge.

I don’t know where I’m going with this, clearly.  Actually what I want to get across is that sometimes its better to cling to the good things and see them as positives and try to remember how happy you were and seek for that same feeling in some other form.  You will never erase your memories but they will slowly fade and be less vivid in your mind.  You will loose lots of those little details that cause a sting every time you think about it.  You will replace those with other memories that are longer lasting because they are more mature and mean much more to you.

Something that could of seemed extremely significant two, four, six months ago or even a year ago will appear irrelevant and minuscule.  You will fall in love with new things, music, people.  You will meet amazing individuals that will surpass any ‘benchmark’ that may have been set by the ones in the past.  Life is way too short to let yourself waste time being upset and not embracing the fact that you are fortunate enough to be still alive. 

Thursday 5 January 2012

Time fades everything...

It's been too long my amazing bloggies (yes we're making that a word).
I'm very sorry I haven't updated in a while but it's just been the usual Christmas craziness. You know that feeling.
I hope everyone had great holidays :)
All the best for the new year and I hope your sticking I your resolutions!

I haven't been very inspired to write lately but I feel like I have something I need to get off my chest. I'm writing this at 22:41 hoping I will be able to rest after I'm done.

If you read my blog you know I get a little deep/emotional from time to time. Well get prepared there's more coming your way.

Its amazing how caught up in the moment you can get. Whether its how you feel or what you think it's all too easy to escalate that in your own mind way too far. You my think you feel something very strong when really its just that moment in time. It eventually dies down to nothing. Well not nothing but close enough. I am one to try to suppress my feelings and avoid bothering people about it just because I don't want to seem like an annoying moany girl!

But sometimes it's good to have a rant. Why I blog about my feelings too actually. So the point of this blog is to get across that it gets better. Why I've been saying from the beginning about true friends sticking around and not being able to inflict pain upon you is still true. There are so many 'negligible' people that will be in your life and at that moment in time their significance will seem much more important to you. Don't worry about them. If someone hurt you and is not caring enough to apologise then why bother. It's jut not worth it.

Saying that always give people a second chance in your life. Even if you have had the worst fight imaginable things won't seem so bad in a month, a year or ten. Don't give up on people that have not given up on wanting to mend things with you. Life isn't perfect. You will have fights with your best friends and think you will never make it up but somehow for some reason you always do. It gets better trust me...